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Orthodox Book Of Psalms Old Slavonic Language, Made in Monastery By Nuns, Blessed, Hard Brown Cover. B442



The Holy Gospel, Christian Book Russian Language, Made in Monastery By Nuns, Handmade, Orthodox Book, Blessed (For Sale 1 Book). B426
The Holy Gospel
Orthodox Book, The Holy Psalter Russian Language, Made in Monastery, Blessed, Natural Black Leather Cover With Metal Corners, Limited. B443
Orthodox Book

Product code: B442
There are 543 pages.
Sizes are : 5.50″ x 3.70″ and 1.1″ thick.
141mm X 93mm X 28mm

GOD BLESS ! This hard to find limited edition Book of Psalms - is the Great Orthodox Book for everybody ! OLD SLAVONIC LANGUAGE. Limited Edition , year published 2015. The book is printed on the white paper. The cover is hard . Brown Color. Made by the Nuns in the Orthodox monastery , handycraft . There are 543 pages . Sizes are : 5.50" x 3.70" and 1.1" thick . 141mm X 93mm X 28mm Brand new and unused. Shipping is made from Europe. Delivery is during 5 - 20 days worldwide. WITH LOVE IN THE CHRIST ! Содержание Устав святых отцов, Богом данный всем хотящим петь Псалтирь Как подобает петь Псалтирь Кафизма 1 Кафизма 2 Кафизма 3 Кафизма 4 Кафизма 5 Кафизма 6 Кафизма 7 Кафизма 8 Кафизма 9 Кафизма 10 Кафизма 11 Кафизма 12 Кафизма 13 Кафизма 14 Кафизма 15 Кафизма 16 Кафизма 17 Кафизма 18 Кафизма 19 Кафизма 20 Песни Священного писания По совершении всего Псалтиря и песней Канон молебный при разлучении души от тела Последование по исходе души от тела О чтении псалтири по усопшим Чин заупокойной литии Приложение Расположение псалмов по кафизмам Церковнославянская азбука Сравнительная таблица чисел Словарь церковнославянских слов
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