Orthodox Book Of Psalms Old Slavonic Language, Made in Monastery By Nuns, Blessed, Hard Brown Cover. B442


90.00 72.00 (20%)

Product code: B442
There are 543 pages.
Sizes are : 5.50″ x 3.70″ and 1.1″ thick.
141mm X 93mm X 28mm

SKU: B442 Category:



This hard to find limited edition Book of Psalms – is the Great Orthodox Book for everybody !


Limited Edition , year published 2015.

The book is printed on the white paper. The cover is hard . Brown Color. Made by the Nuns in the Orthodox monastery , handycraft .

There are 543 pages . Sizes are : 5.50″ x 3.70″ and 1.1″ thick .

141mm X 93mm X 28mm

Brand new and unused.

Shipping is made from Europe. Delivery is during 5 – 20 days worldwide.


Устав святых отцов, Богом данный всем хотящим петь Псалтирь
Как подобает петь Псалтирь
Кафизма 1
Кафизма 2
Кафизма 3
Кафизма 4
Кафизма 5
Кафизма 6
Кафизма 7
Кафизма 8
Кафизма 9
Кафизма 10
Кафизма 11
Кафизма 12
Кафизма 13
Кафизма 14
Кафизма 15
Кафизма 16
Кафизма 17
Кафизма 18
Кафизма 19
Кафизма 20

Песни Священного писания
По совершении всего Псалтиря и песней
Канон молебный при разлучении души от тела
Последование по исходе души от тела
О чтении псалтири по усопшим
Чин заупокойной литии
Расположение псалмов по кафизмам
Церковнославянская азбука
Сравнительная таблица чисел
Словарь церковнославянских слов

DELIVERY Our store is part of the Orthodox workshop - store Andcross, which has warehouses in Latvia, Estonia, Greece. Free shipping worldwide is made by registered air mail with a bar code to track the location. Deadline 5 -20 working days. We also send United Parcel Service – express delivery. Dates and costs are calculated individually depending on the weight and country of destination. The terms of delivery of the UPS are agreed in advance.